At this moment...July 2013

Loving: My husband - it's hard to be away from him!

1. Just finished reading World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide - both completely different from the blockbuster in theaters now but still very good (if you can get past the mess that is zombies)! If you have spent any amount of time with me over the last few days, you've heard snippets of what's in the books. My emergency management background has definitely latched on to these stories of extreme survival. 

2. Now it's back to the world of textbooks with Thinking in Systems...not as big of a page turner as the others.

Watching: Duck Dynasty - it seems to be the only thing that can hold my attention on TV these days.

Anticipating: Getting back home again - hopefully this weekend!

Listening to: Satellite radio - there are so many channels to choose from! I'm being spoiled by driving this work truck around.

Planning: Work. Work is planning. Planning is work.

Wishing: I could order another StitchFix box soon! I could go broke on this post about it coming soon!
Working on: Drew and I finished yard work this weekend and the house looks pretty amazing! Other than that, it's business as usual.  

Thankful: For my loving and supportive husband who let's me chase my dreams.

What are you currently loving, reading, watching, anticipating, listening to, planning, working on, wishing, thankful for, etc.?

Previous At this moment Posts:

An Organizer’s Dream –

I love office supplies! I get excited over a fresh stack of post-its and gel pens. Over the years I have collected countless journals and notebooks because I loved their designs, promise of organization, and crisp white pages. It came as a shock to me that I had so long been out of the loop regarding This site has so many creative ways to get your life and major events planned with a personal touch! Simply opening the package was a delight. It was wrapped so neat and had hidden little bonuses that I didn’t know I was getting. I won’t spoil the surprise for you – you have to order something for yourself to see!

Erin Condren

Tuesday Tattles

The Johnston household embarks on yet more lessons in domesticity. Landscaping and crafting were the names of the game this weekend!

Our yard is now plucked, trimmed, manicured, and hosed. We bricked around our flower beds (I knew I forgot a picture! Update later!) and are planning a vegetable garden in the backyard.

Pictured below:

I may have stole from Pinterest creatively designed a way to get more lighting in the back. I attached solar-powered lanterns to our fence posts with garden hooks. It is so cute and is now my favorite part of the yard!

When we took down the wires that were stabilizing our sapling tree, we discovered that the builders had left us with about 12 feet of bamboo! After several rounds of kung-fu ninja and spear-throwing, we decided to build something for our garden. On Memorial Day, I experimented with Drew’s new hacksaw and zip ties to build a trellis.I know you’re thinking, zip ties? Really? But Drew had about 200 and I didn’t have to spend money on any of it. Free crafting!

Finally, in the third picture below is our ode to our homeland – the products of a shrimp boil for two. Delicious!

Home Crafts

Have you done any free crafting lately? It is simply the best. I love making new usable objects from random things. If you have any successful free crafting tips from your home, please share!

Finally, I leave you with a funny yet brief interaction between our pups. Enjoy!

dog match

Smilin' in Silpada Style

My Mom recently became a consultant for Silpada jewelry. I hosted a party at my home and it was so much fun! Plus, for being a hostess and throwing an eligible party, I received $150 worth of free jewelry and 2 half price items!! I chose a charm necklace and three charms. ::hint hint::  ::nudge nudge:: Future birthday/Christmas/anniversary gifts? Maybe? ;-) I also got earring backs and a jewelry cloth.

To learn more about Silpada jewelry or to host a party, follow this link:

Road Trips are the Best

Road trips are the best. Always have been. The occasion can even be for a sad one but as long as I have people I love around me, it brings a smile to my face.

Roadtrip blog   Drew and I drove down to Mobile this past week. I love this handsome man!Adam archeryOn the way back to Birmingham, we stopped in Montgomery and watched Adam compete in the State Archery competition! Go Adam!Jermaine and Anna VisitThis weekend, friends from Nashville came down to visit. It was a blast having Jermaine and Anna around! And a chance for me to play hostess again! :-p

Have you been on any good road trips lately?

At this moment…April 2013

cropped1Loving: When family and friends come to visit! 

Reading: Sadly, nothing at the moment. I must remedy this soon.

Watching: Nashville – I must catch up on a lot of missed episodes. I absolutely love the music and have downloaded one or two songs from the show.

Anticipating: This upcoming week – Bad weather is coming thru Alabama either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. And the good news is that Drew and I are going to take a membership course for Grace Life Baptist next Sunday.

Listening to: Miranda Lambert – I love her new song “Mama’s Broken Heart.”

Planning: Meals for the next week. Sunday is grocery shopping day. As soon as Drew gets off from work, we’re on our way to Publix.

Working on: Decorating our home, thank you notes, and putting wedding albums together. 

Wishing: For good, warm weather!

Thankful: For my upbringing. It’s given me so many keys to success!

What are you currently loving, reading, watching, anticipating, listening to, planning, working on, wishing, thankful for, etc.?

Previous “At this moment…” posts
~ February 2013
~ September 2012

Canton Find

We finally put together and hung our favorite Canton find from last year! Its a picture frame with the word England cut out.

We both have been to England separately and its our dream to go again together. We picked three pictures each of the same thing and put them in the frame. We have left the L blank for a picture we'll make together one day! Its now hanging near our front door and I love the fun reminder of past and future adventures!

Johnston Family Easter

Easter 1 Easter 2

Today was our first holiday at our house and my first Easter away from my parents. We went to church at Grace Life then after had a late lunch. We invited Drew’s grandmother and Dad over and also our friends Whitney and Bryant. Whitney brought over a delicious pineapple casserole and cookies for desert. Reminder: Must get her recipe! Nana brought over a beautiful ham.

I made a cheesy cauliflower puff, broccoli and cheese casserole, Velvetta mac ‘n cheese, devilled eggs, green beans, and pinwheels. I’ve never cooked this much food in my life! I was very proud of the accomplishment and even prouder when everyone seemed to like it. Rounding out the menu was French bread and spinach and artichoke dip with crackers.

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter and enjoyed their time with loved ones.

Anxiety, You are my ever constant dog companion.

I have a very small dog who is very anxious about life. He must know what is happening, who is doing what, and what will happen next...all...the...time. This has, of course, endeared him to me. When I feel myself beginning to be wound up and anxious about things I cannot control, I just look at my dog fretting and pacing. I realize that all my anxiety does is make me look like him - a very fuzzy, furry ball of worry. I then pull him into a big bear hug and calm him down. Or his brother swats him in the head with his paw. Either way, my dog gets snapped out of it and we're all at peace again.

Tonight I'm on the edge of my own fuzzy, furry ball of worry. I just...within the past five minutes...submitted my application for a doctoral program. But I'm going to do my best and not think about it. As badly as I want a response yesterday, I'm going to let go...and let God pull me into a big bear hug and calm me down.

And my Ah-Ha moment of the day:


At this moment...February 2013

***I again borrow this post from LifeofaBamaGirl. I love reading your blog!***

What are you currently loving, reading, watching, anticipating, listening to, planning, working on, wishing, thankful for, etc.?

Loving - Being married for one month, 2 days, and 5 hours :-)
Reading - Most recent thing I read was the plane magazine as I flew between Austin and Houston.
Watching - People patiently waiting for their next flight. My favorite tv show Downton Abbey just ended a week or two ago. I screamed at the season finale. Didn't you all feel the same?!
Anticipating - Getting back to Birmingham and home! My flight was just delayed so I won't be flying in until 10:30 tonight. I'm also HIGHLY anticipating the Foley BBQ & Blues Festival on March 16th!
Listening to - Airport chatter...if you can't tell...I'm at the airport. My most recent music downloads were "Thrift Shop" by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons, and "Ho Hey" by The Lumineers. In a shout out to undergrad, I downloaded Evanescence this month too.
Planning - Some down time this weekend...a little home organizing and yard cleaning. And ordering our wedding photos! They're finally ready!
Working on - Learning the new Logistics course while I'm at the airport so I can teach it first thing tomorrow morning.
Wishing - I lived just a bit closer to the beach or somewhere that doesn't get as cold as it does here.
Thankful for - My amazing husband who is so sweet, caring, respectful, and kind. He's the best. That's why I married him. :-)

Austin, Texas

I'm in Austin, Texas for training this week. Monday it was quite bumpy trying to get here. My flight to Houston was delayed by an hour. We then sat on the tarmac for another 30 minutes while the air traffic controllers re-routed us around the storm. I landed in Houston one minute before my second flight left for Austin. I was placed on another flight that left 3 hours later.

In the meantime I got to explore the many terminals of the airport. In undergrad, I took a course called Principles of Planning. We devoted a lot of our studies to transportation systems...this has a point I promise. In transportation systems we studied airports. It's been logged in my brain as just interesting facts but it was still neat to apply to my situation. Depending on the time the airport was built, its layout was determined by the needs at that time. Houston's airport was built at a time when people could drive and park right outside their terminal. We know today that that will never be allowed again. But you still see all of the available spots around each terminal - now used primarily for airport staff. This has left the airport extremely spread out and is why you must take a train between terminals.

...This is what entertains my

Yesterday, I and 29 other people learned a new volunteer management system. Next week we will be teaching 180 instructors how to teach the new program. It's been a fast-paced intensive three days. We end tomorrow with the final plan layout for next week.

I can't wait to get home though! I celebrated my one month anniversary two states away from my husband. It will be good to land back in Bama!

The Johnstons Start Their Adventure Together

Wow it's definitely been a minute since I posted! Life got very busy there and are finally slowing down a little. Thanksgiving, Graduation, Christmas/Birthday, New Year's, Wedding, and Honeymoon all since last I posted. We are anxiously awaiting the pictures from our wedding which I will post on here but in the meantime, please enjoy the pics we took on our adventure to Mexico, Belize, and Honduras!