Loving: My husband - it's hard to be away from him!
1. Just finished reading World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide - both completely different from the blockbuster in theaters now but still very good (if you can get past the mess that is zombies)! If you have spent any amount of time with me over the last few days, you've heard snippets of what's in the books. My emergency management background has definitely latched on to these stories of extreme survival.
Watching: Duck Dynasty - it seems to be the only thing that can hold my attention on TV these days.
Anticipating: Getting back home again - hopefully this weekend!
Listening to: Satellite radio - there are so many channels to choose from! I'm being spoiled by driving this work truck around.
Planning: Work. Work is planning. Planning is work.
Wishing: I could order another StitchFix box soon! I could go broke on this though...blog post about it coming soon!
Thankful: For my loving and supportive husband who let's me chase my dreams.
What are you currently loving, reading, watching, anticipating, listening to, planning, working on, wishing, thankful for, etc.?