One Brick, Two Brick, Red Brick…House!

House! outline  

Shortly after we were engaged, my fiancé and I sat down and worked out a plan for the first years of our marriage. There is still a LOT we don’t know but we believe that figuring all of this out is meant to be the fun part. :-)

We have a lot going for us. We both have stable employment and regular paychecks – a true blessing. But we live and work in two cities about an hour away from each other. So where should we live? In the middle of course!

We started by finding a realtor and visiting homes in the area. We struck out on the houses we were shown and decided to be adventurous and drive around some. We stumbled across a newer subdivision in Bessemer. The houses were everything we wanted for our first home. And so, after crunching the numbers, we realized we could build a house and start building our credit with the same money it would take for us to rent.

So building a house it is!

bigger house

Our house is going up so fast! We get so excited turning onto our street to see the newest changes. We are very proud owners and have taken several friends and family members on a tour!

Last week the bricks and siding went up! I can’t wait for it to be painted. I will admit - I have been discouraged at times and not able to focus on the end result. For a while there it only looked like lumber. But the more work that is done on our house, the closer I feel our wedding day coming. This is a very exciting time for the future Johnston family!

Here’s the latest sneak peak. I’ll try to post updates regularly on our progress.


Building a house can be daunting. Have you faced this before? Any tips for the newbies? We’d love to hear some advice!


Beth said...

It looks like it's going to be beautiful!! :)

Sarah J. said...

Thank you! We're very excited. :-)