VOAD meeting

I woke up early and went to the EMA office today. As soon as I walked in, we were out the door to the VOAD meeting (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters) at the Public Health Department across from Bowers Park. There were about 50 people in the meeting all representing organizations in Tuscaloosa that unite during disasters and provide basic needs to the community 24/7.

The chairman of VOAD is the executive director of the American Red Cross in Tuscaloosa. He made a special point to stop by and chat with me before and after the meeting. He seems like such a nice man and I look forward to working with him. During the meeting, he suprised me by talking about the Americorps VISTA program and saying how proud he was of their newest recruit. Then he introduced me and he had me stand up and say a little about myself. Everyone applauded and congratulated me. It was so sweet!

Now I'm back at the EMA office watching the severe weather that will be coming in this afternoon. I have class at 2 but will be back here afterwards.

It will be interesting to see what the rest of this day has coming. Hopefully nothing too stressful lies ahead but I'm okay with that if there is!


Brittany Ray said...

Yay! That is exciting!

Grace is Enough said...

Girl, okay so I guess when you explained what your job was I didn't think it was the natural disaster thing but now i get it. So, where I work now in Tuscaloosa, we have a emergency response team. During our training he talked about how he represented our organization during disasters and such. I think thats soooo cool! Love you and proud of you!