Challenge Week 2

Lunch break post!

I forgot to post yesterday but it was kind of a busy day.

First - I've definitely kicked my exercise routine up a notch. My good friend Sarah is now my gym partner and has been great at encouraging me over the past two weeks. We have been going to the gym almost every day and working out at minimum of an hour and a half each time. Yay muscle strength!

Second - 1 more pound off the scale this week. That makes a total of 2.4 pounds in 2 weeks. Of course I would love to see it rapidly fall off but I've been reminded that this is a healthy weightloss.

Third - Yesterday Drew and I did the 1st walk-thru of our house with the builder. Friday will be our final walk-thru and then we close on Monday of next week! But there will be a separate post on that later.

Got to get back to lunch. Hope you're having a happy Tuesday!

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